
Topfield Documentation

bool TAP_Timer_GetInfo(int entryNum, TYPE_TimerInfo *info);

It gets the information of used timer.

  • entryNum : the timer number to be got its information
  • info : the pointer of the TYPE_TimerInfo which gets the information.
return value : TRUE = Success, FALSE = False

The structure of TYPE_TimerInfo is as follows.

typedef struct
byte isRec;// 1 = Recording, 0 = VCR Timer
byte tuner; // 0 = Tuner1 , 1 = Tuner2
byte svcType;
byte reserved;
word svcNum;
byte reservationType;
byte nameFix; // 1 = fileName is fixed
word duration;
dword startTime;
char fileName[];
} TYPE_TimerInfo

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